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admin 钢琴知识 2023-01-06 16:59:38 0

My name is Zhang Hua, I was born in 1990, and I started play the piano when i was 5 I am very admire Yundi Li, who was born in 1982 and he is the first chinese pinest who won the golden title;Everybody has his dreams And my dream is to be a doctor in the futureI think it’s a great and interesting jobBecause first I can help many patientsIt’s a hard job but I don’t mind itI;我想做一名钢琴家在未来I want tobe a pianist in the futureEverybody has some dreams or only one dream , and all of them hope their dreams can come true Little girls wants to be a beautiful and l;我的理想钢琴家这个理想应该是从小学时我刚接触钢琴时出现的,说起我为什么会有这样一个理想,为什么学钢琴,其实这个理想是一场音乐会带给我的 那是一场捐助印度洋海啸的赈灾义演在台上表演的有许多人,他们都是但昭义教授的学;我的理想当钢琴家作文1 我小时候有过很多理想,看见护士那雪白的长褂随风飘动,宛如天使般美丽,就想当护士看见作家,用一支笔诉说人生,流露出人间真情,就想当作家看见女警察为民除害,多么威风,就想当警察但;我的理想 我想当一位钢琴家,那是我在很小很小是的梦想,也是我现在的梦想我现在正努力向我的目标前进,无数次跌倒,又无数次站起来我想,我已经不能够失去它了,我曾经与它发生过矛盾,才换来了我们这坚固的友谊。

我的梦想是钢琴家英语作文小段,My dream is to be a pianist I dream that one day I will be able to play my favorite piano music to Alice How wonderful that would be;而现在我已经考上声乐5级了我希望在自己16岁的时候可以考上声乐8级我将会更加倍努力地练习下去想要成为一名歌唱家可一点都不容易但是我相信,我一定可以做得到希望可以帮到你哦;我想做什么当我老吗?有人想成为一名医生有人想成为一个篮球运动员,因为他们擅长运动有人想要成为作家,使写作有人想成为一名教师因为他们喜欢教孩子我喜欢弹钢琴,我擅长它所以我想成为一个钢琴家弹钢琴是非常有。


li yundi, a famous pianist is the best example of this sentence I want to be a pianist, there is another reason Mother said, when the pianist efforts, much better than to get into college College wr;My dream is to grow up to become a pianist, so you can go to various countries to play the piano, the wonderful music to everyone Since then, I have embarked on this path of learning piano Every;Everyone should have a good dream,because dream is a compass,life is in the fog,we need to by this compass to determine their own lost the direction,and strong to go on,for the sake of it,we can;in the world我想成为一名音乐家,当我7岁的时候我曾经听过一场音乐演奏会,在那个时候我认为轻音乐就是这个世界上最美妙的音乐因此,我希望我能够成为一名音乐家,尤其是一名钢琴家梦想成真总是这个世界上最美好的事情;Everyone should have a good dream, because dream is a compass, life is in the fog, we need to by this compass to determine their own lost the direction, and strong to go on, for the sake of it, we。

我问妈妈“这位叔叔是谁”妈妈和我说这位叔叔是著名的钢琴家朗朗我赶紧跑去和爸爸说“爸爸,我要学钢琴”爸爸说“儿子,爸爸支持你,但你必须持之以恒,你能做到吗”我说“我能做到”从此,我便走;Everyone should have a good dream,because dream is a compass,life is in the fog,we need to by this compass to determine their own lost the direction,and strong to go on,for the sake of it,we can ski。


