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admin 钢琴简谱 2023-01-10 12:54:47 0

1、我喜欢钢琴曲 我会弹钢琴,并且也非常喜欢弹钢琴因此,我也很喜欢钢琴曲我喜欢的钢琴曲有天空之城亡灵序曲这些钢琴曲都非常好听,我非常喜欢听钢琴曲i like the piano i will play the piano,and;郎朗 1982 年生于沈阳,他三岁时开始弹钢琴从 1987 年到 1995 年他参加了大量的钢琴比赛并且都夺得一等奖1996 年,朗朗去了美国,继续他的研究在 18 岁那年,他开始显现出在认识 了解 音乐方面与众不同的才华;He likes piano very much though the study is quite busy, he practise his piano at every weekend as much as he could;he is playing the piano因为此句是他在弹钢琴,所以要用现在进行时,而钢琴等乐器类前面要加the,足球一类的运动则不能加the觉得好就采纳吧。

2、您问的是他能弹钢琴用able英语单词怎么表达吗Heisa bleto play piano英语单词的产生是汉英两种语言双向交流的产物,一些带有中国特色的名称和概念进入了英语词汇,同时还有一些英语词汇进入了汉语,在文化环境中衍生出新的。

3、She can sing and play the piano她既会唱歌,也会弹钢琴 She can not only sing but also play the piano或she can sing,she can play the piano as well。

4、He went on trying for his dream Finally he was found by a famous pianist who invited him to take part in the competition which led him to rank among the great pianistsIf you try and try, you are;你的补充句子是错误的英语里的不但而且是not onlybut also 所以整个句子的翻译是not only she can sing songs,but also she can play the piano。


5、LiaoWei ,she didn#39t give up he continued to play the piano。


6、1他3岁时开始学弹钢琴 He started learning English when he was 32这个钟没出问题 There is nothing wrong with the clockOr there isn#39t anything wrong with the clock否定句不能用something,需用not;At the age of 26 he found that his hearing loss,but he still continued to write piano;我正想着,他又继续道“身为一个初中生,整天那么打打闹闹就算了所以,我们不能在应是“再”这样了,必须把我们以前的坏毛病全部改掉,成为六年级最好的班级”我被怔在那里,看来老师真的没有看走眼,这位;She is practising the Piano 如果喜欢可以在最后面加上Right now 来强调‘正在 ’^_^。

