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admin 钢琴品牌 2023-01-04 08:43:49 0

1、Giacomo puccini,Pagenini Niccolo Paganini , Antonio Vivaldi,韦伯,BedrichSmetana,Camille SaintSaens,Gustav Mahler,Modest Petrovic Mussorgky 这些都是以上的音乐家的英文全名,还有3个是查不到的 不好意思噢;pianist #39pinist, #39pjnist n 钢琴家 例句 The pianist forgot his music and had to improvise the accompaniment 弹钢琴的人把乐谱忘了, 只好即兴伴奏 The pianist gave a long and varied recital, with;pianist 中文谐音皮安尼斯特 国际音标#39pi#601nist, #39pj#230nist n钢琴家 例句 1 I hope his dream of becoming a pianist will come true 我希望他成为钢琴家;Lang lang is one of the most famous pianists in China 楼上三位,pianist应该是复数哦;1读法英#712p#618#601n#618st 美#712pi#720#601n#618st2Pianist是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“钢琴家钢琴演奏者”3I want to make my sister a pianist。


2、n 照片影片描述图画vt 想像画拍照May I take a picture of you?我可以给你照相吗The Pianist is the fourth movie nominated for Best Picture钢琴家是第4部获得最佳影片提名的电影语法pic。

3、pianist 英 #712p#618#601n#618st美 pi#712#230n#618st, #712pi#601n#618stn钢琴家 钢琴师 钢琴演奏者例句Howard is a talented pianist 霍华德是个很有天分的。


4、女售货员shop girl 售票员conductor 图书管理员librarian 钢琴家pianist 主持人host,compere,d,j,艺术家artist 教练trainer,coach 理发师女的hair dresser,男的 barber 代理人agent,验光师optometrist 摄影师photographer;XX is one of the greatest pianists in the world, who is honored as quot a young manlady changing the worldquot。

