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admin 钢琴品牌 2023-03-09 20:04:26 0


The legend of 1900

It's an incredible film about a taleny musician. His parents abandoned him on a steam ship which traveled to American from other places.The boy was brought up by a Negro who gave him the name 'Danny Boodmann T.D. Lemon Nineteen hundred .' His dad was killed in an accident and then he showed his talent in piano playing. He became a pianist on the steam boat in a group of 4 to 5 people.He never cooperated and always let his piano be aware of by the people in the dance floor so that other players would stop and look at those noblemen and noblewomen dancing crazily following the music .1900'skill was also well known among the people on the land . He hadn't got off the boat even for one time .He had seen uncountable people go to America to look for their dreams .He thought that the people on the land was too busy and didn't know what they were busy for.He wanted to do what he liked, what was easy ,what could make him happy. He could do anything but be ordinary.He was born on the boat and lived his all life on it .Just like a brief note passed through our ears and disappeared .

"The legend of 1990" Was directed by Giuseppe Tornatore .It was written by Alesscandro Baricco .Tim Roth played the role of 1900. The film was attractive because of its amazing plot ,wonderful actor ,meaningful opinion and the excellent music .The sound of the piano had its moods and feelings .When 1900 met a graceful girl ,the sound became lyric.When he was arround by the poor who were enthusiastic ,the sound became brisk .When he played alone ,the sound became sad .The changeable appeared any time in the film. 1900's last song was silence .Before a dull explosion ,his fingers moved in the air ,played his last note.

The film let me think a lot on life .I'll definitely recommend it to you .Let the music start ,telling you the legend of 1900.


上钢琴师在海上出生;也在海上结束了他的生命; 一天他突然想要去到陆地上;可当他走到铁梯的中间;他停下了脚步;然后回到了船上,以下是我整理的海上钢琴师 观后感 6篇500字,欢迎阅读分享。

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天使不应在人间。正如1900最终选择与船一起炸毁,如此,海上会流传着这样一个 传说 :曾经有个天才的钢琴师,他的音乐令所有人为之折服,他始终没有离开过大海,然而他的心却已到达了世界的每个角落。


电影《海上钢琴师》讲的是一位叫1900的钢琴师在海上生海上长,最后死在海上的 故事 ,当然这位钢琴师不是大西洋底来的人,他生活在船上,生活在一艘类似于泰坦尼克号的大船上。他弹钢琴的才能是天生的,用天才钢琴师甚至是伟大钢琴家来形容他一点也不过分,因为他弹得太好了,所有懂行的和所有看热闹的都为之折服。然而,钢琴师1900对大海的热爱,准确地说是对他一生也没有离开过的那艘船的痴迷,远远胜过其他的一切,当然也包括钢琴。

1998年,吉赛贝·托纳多雷执导了他的第一部英语片——《海上钢琴师》,获得金球奖最佳作曲和欧洲电影奖最佳摄影奖。而真正的让吉赛贝·托纳多雷名震江湖的是1988年的《天堂电影院》,影片不但获得奥斯卡和金球奖最佳外语片,同样在欧洲各大电影节上也屡获殊荣。而为这部《海上钢琴师》操刀配乐更是一位了不起的人物意大利最具风格,著名的资深作曲家埃尼奥·莫里康内(Ennio Morricone)这位大师参与制作的各国电影配乐已不下400部,故被音乐界冠以最多产的作曲家美誉。


就像这部影片的中文译名与”钢琴师”有关的电影一样,钢琴演奏是电影的一大重心,何况这部电影最初正名就是”海上钢琴师的传奇”,它所描写的钢琴家1900是一个飘迫于大洋间的传奇爵士乐手,自然,在影片中是少不了精彩的钢琴演奏,而且是爵士乐的钢琴演出来,莫里克奈的爵士音乐作品,向来就有鲜明出色的个人风格影片中主人公1900所弹出基本上都是轻快俏皮,演奏精彩又富有娱乐性的作品,而《Danny’s Blue》是一首慵懒闲散,情调迷人的蓝调作品,是我个人最喜爱的作品之一。影片除了莫里克奈本人的创作外,也特别邀请Amedeo Tommasi,Gilda Butta等钢琴演奏家,演出Jelly Roll Morton及Scott Joplin等当代名家的爵士音乐作品(The Crave与Peacherine Rag),营造出浓浓的时代氛围,当然,莫里克奈捕捉早期爵士音乐神韵的技巧之传神,当然也不言而喻了。






















沙翁真的很伟大,我发觉很多东西最终都归结到同一个问题上:To be or not to be,that's a question.我们都是游荡在梦与现实之间的孤魂,我们并不知道到底哪里才是归宿。太理想的不是人,太现实的也不是个人,但是没有人会欣赏像胖子一样的平凡人,就像胖子把与1900一起在船上度过的时光视作此生最珍贵的回忆而不是 其它 平凡的生活一样。每个人心目中都有着对浪漫的向往,但同时又不能避免地具有现实的一面,我们的心中只有那永无休止的搏弈而没有胜负。


















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★ 海上钢琴师观后感精选6篇600字

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★ 海上钢琴师观后感范文5篇

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★ 《海上钢琴师》观后感范文5篇

★ 电影《海上钢琴师》5篇600观后感

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求一篇自己写的全英文2000词的《海上钢琴师》观后感,各位大大请帮帮忙。 谢谢!悬赏分是我全部家当了!

After the moment of the film, I have a kind of want to cry impulse, For the brilliant pianist ameteor and short life,

Can consider,


Is also a have a mental disorder patients.


Is the protagonist of the film, his inner world is a lonely, with elegant and artists

Confident, yet some crazy pianist.

From my understanding,


Is a man who has a self identity disorder, he seems to spend a lifetime thinking about the question "who am I", but

And life has failed to satisfactorily solve the problem. He didn't know where he can or should be what kind of person, in the so big

What position in the world, so that he can only stay in the ship, and repeated bumpy journey.


Had mild neurotic traits, sensitive, life

To, is not very talkative. At the life, the lack of the pursuit of ideal, think piano is my everything. Recognise their talent on the piano,

Think you can only live in similar piano co., LTD. In the world, and in the real world of unlimited deep fear.

A person's psychological and living environment are strongly linked.


From birth is abandoned, to add coal workers responsible for cruise ships



On the first class you would like to pick up things, left over from the rich man,

Accidentally found the abandoned baby on the piano.


Is an optimistic, cheerful person, he and all people on the ship


Brought the happy childhood, but


Also for the young


Instill a lot

The wrong information,

"World is terrible outside the ship" this sentence is also a cause


One of the reasons for fear to get out. He couldn't get out, can't imagine

On the mainland of people's life, he felt terrible, because he had not experienced impression of land and the brain is bad and evil, can't face it

Is a big world. Sea born


, is a never exist on land, no relatives, no registration, no nationality and the sea

Is the cradle of his, and he followed


Between the docks berthing.

Although the piano is only dull black and white and double color, but he has a unique talent, he has full confidence and he can abandon other in piano

All the fear and anxiety, with plenty of pleasure.

God closed the door, and he entered the normal family, but as he opened the window to the music hall. All his confidence comes from pianos, because

For lonely lonely experience, can make him more keen see through the heart, and thus play and create music touched the hearts of.


Has been immersed in steel

Piano playing, even no one listen to. But life in the face of the oceans, in the face of the piano, on land, there is too much for him

Uncertainty, so that he has been to the land below Chu back. He did get out even if the beloved girl, also is only half down to the stairs, symbol

Dropped his hat, eventually returned to the ship. As he puts it: "I can't see the end of the land", may be right


In terms of the sea

Day color scene to see the horizon, shuttle to cruise and a port anchor,


Keys are limited and his creation can be performed

Unlimited movement, land endless miles of big cities, however, is that he can't see can't grasp.


Is an unfortunate man, and he die, reason is just to land the world fear, the fear only comes from their experiences made orphans

Don't self-confidence, a few times trying to change myself and the failure experience. He is eager to communicate with people, and at night, he would quietly by radio and talk to people, to

Explore the bright side of humanity, but he to the but again there is a fear. As an orphan, by the people of the, between the waterman, lack and outside

Communication, formed the lonely and sensitive personality, he must be on around are very sensitive to adapt you mean survive very well. For a long

Period, lack of a mother's love for women have no idea, let him lose the opportunity to communicate with women, and also let him don't have enough in the early stages of the psychological growth and development

Support and rely on, the lack of maternal embrace and care experience, lack of support. Let him at a later time of insecurity in life, to oneself

Every aspect of life produce deep insecurity, dare not to pursue new things, can only stay in the original way of life.

Things seem to be only after the cast a layer of fog appears particularly beautiful,




If is the famous pianist on land

We can download on the Internet to his piano music, or online cannot under, must pay money to buy it; His concert will around in our city

The city heard; He will also go to the piano player challenges, until one day also is a not well-known piano hand beat, with a cigarette silently out of

Venue, then close up, continue to his concert, continue to sell records, did not have the mystery, he will attract many people? When you have

No longer is myself, and become a part of the world of material wealth, he and his piano skills have been labeled as the price, when he saw her

As is seen in the distance a tape recorder, that kind of helpless, that kind of sad, can let oneself directly emitted a burst of cold sweat in the dream.


The legend of 1900

It's an incredible film about a taleny musician. His parents abandoned him on a steam ship which traveled to American from other places.The boy was brought up by a Negro who gave him the name 'Danny Boodmann T.D. Lemon Nineteen hundred .' His dad was killed in an accident and then he showed his talent in piano playing. He became a pianist on the steam boat in a group of 4 to 5 people.He never cooperated and always let his piano be aware of by the people in the dance floor so that other players would stop and look at those noblemen and noblewomen dancing crazily following the music .1900'skill was also well known among the people on the land . He hadn't got off the boat even for one time .He had seen uncountable people go to America to look for their dreams .He thought that the people on the land was too busy and didn't know what they were busy for.He wanted to do what he liked, what was easy ,what could make him happy. He could do anything but be ordinary.He was born on the boat and lived his all life on it .Just like a brief note passed through our ears and disappeared .

"The legend of 1990" Was directed by Giuseppe Tornatore .It was written by Alesscandro Baricco .Tim Roth played the role of 1900. The film was attractive because of its amazing plot ,wonderful actor ,meaningful opinion and the excellent music .The sound of the piano had its moods and feelings .When 1900 met a graceful girl ,the sound became lyric.When he was arround by the poor who were enthusiastic ,the sound became brisk .When he played alone ,the sound became sad .The changeable appeared any time in the film. 1900's last song was silence .Before a dull explosion ,his fingers moved in the air ,played his last note.

The film let me think a lot on life .I'll definitely recommend it to you .Let the music start ,telling you the legend of 1900.




It is a story about spiritual freedom and pure soul.A man called 1900 was born on the ship,then he grew on the ship and died on the ship. The ship called Virginian bears his whole life.


In 1900's time,only once he made a decision to leave the ship and see the world.but at last he turned back.Because he can;t face the infinite city life.


