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海上钢琴师音乐曲目(海上钢琴师 曲目)

admin 钢琴教学 2022-12-29 11:53:53 0

海上钢琴师 里所有的曲子

海上钢琴师-意大利二十九首完整版 目录

01-Playing Love

02-The Legend of The Pianist On The Ocean

03-The crisis

04-Peacherine Rag

05-A Goodbye To Friends

06-Study For Three Hands

07-Tarantella In 3rd Class

08-Enduring Movement



11-Thanks Danny

12-A Mozart Reincarnated


14-Magic Waltz

15-The Goodbye Between Nineteen

16-Goodbye Duet

17-Nineteen Hundreds Madness N.1

18-Dannys Blues

19-Second Crisis

20-The Crave

21-Nocturne With No Moon

22-Before The End

23-Playing Love

24-Ships And Snow

25-Nineteen Hundreds Madness N.2

26-I Can And Then

27-Silent Goodbye

28-5 Portrails

29-Lost Boys Calling


1. 1900s Theme

2. Legend of the Pianist

3. Crisis

4. Crave

5. Goodbye to Friends

6. Study for Three Hands

7. Playing Love

8. Mozart Reincamated

9. Child

10. 1900s Madness #1

11. Dannys Blues

12. Second Crisis

13. Peacherine Rag

14. Noctume With No Moon

15. Before the End

16. Playing Love

17. I Can and Then

18. 1900s Madness #2

19. Silent Goodbye

20. Ships and Snow

21. Lost Boys Calling


配乐曲目海总是载满了回忆的,无论它是快乐的,希望或不堪回首…… 《The Legend Of 1900 海上钢琴师》叙述了一位诞生于海上的音乐奇才,精彩不凡且极富争议的一生。为《The Legend Of 1900 海上钢琴师》操刀配乐的是世界电影界著名和资深的意大利最具风格的作曲家 Ennio Morricone 埃尼奥·莫里康内,从处女作《法西斯分子》到1997年的《西西里的美丽传说》,这位大师参与制作的各国电影配乐已不下400部了,故被音乐界冠以最多产的作曲家美誉。现时已经是70多岁高龄的他,仍拥有丰富的创作灵感和素材,在《The Legend Of 1900 海上钢琴师》里,大师以钢琴为主配合适当的管弦乐和室内乐创作出音色醉人、旋律优美和风格隽永的迷人乐章。 在《The Legend Of 1900 海上钢琴师》里,大师以钢琴为主配合适当的管弦乐和室内乐创作出音色醉人、旋律优美和风格隽永的迷人乐章。其中随性的爵士音符随处可见,出彩的配乐表现出这张大碟决不流俗的态度。同时这张原声大碟还请来 Amedeo Tommasi、Gilda Butta 等钢琴独奏家,演绎 Jelly Roll Morton 及 Scott Joplin 等散拍乐名家的代表作品。原声大碟中,1900在滑动的钢琴的上弹奏、与爵士乐大师斗法机巧跳脱,精妙无比,尤其是他透过舷窗看到暗恋情人即兴创作的那一曲《Playing Love》,更是温婉细腻如喁喁私语,被公推为全片最动人乐章。全专辑最具吸引力的当属 Ennio Morricone 埃尼奥·莫里康内 与前 Pink Floyd 乐队大将 Rogers Waters 以及重摇滚乐队 Van Helen 的当家吉他手 Edward Van Helen,三巨头首度合作的电影主题曲《Lost Boys Calling 失去的呼唤》,悠远飘渺,增添几许传奇深度。世纪末回首世纪初叶最动人的海洋传奇巨作已经诞生。 《The Legend Of 1900 海上钢琴师》绝对是1999年最不容错过的电影原声带之一,Ennio Morricone 埃尼奥·莫里康内 以深情飘逸的典雅曲风,又一次掳获观众与乐迷的心。这张原声带有些像是《新天堂乐园》与《四海兄弟》等作品的混合体,管弦的气质承袭了《新天堂乐园》,《四海兄弟》抒情典雅的怀旧色彩,与几许《铁面无私》的缤纷飞扬,同时又加入了《四海兄弟》与《豪情四海》的复古爵士风情,而它又不仅止于此,Ennio Morricone 埃尼奥·莫里康内 在这张作品中也带来许多崭新而且动人的感受。第十轨的《Trailer》,是一个十分优美的主题旋律,细致优雅的旋律性有如 John Barry 的唯美风格,然而当钢琴登场的一刹那,你突然知道这是完全不同的东西,Ennio Morricone 埃尼奥·莫里康内 又一次展现他将不同音乐体材合而为一的手法,在管弦最深刻动人的时刻,随性而至的切入几段即兴浪漫的爵士钢琴,营造出令人惊艳的效果,信手捻来间即将爵士音乐处理的这般潇洒飘逸又深情动人,是十分特别的感觉。 《Trailer》是整部配乐的主轴,同时也是故事的 Love Theme,Ennio Morricone 埃尼奥·莫里康内 在两段恋曲《Playing Love》与《Silent Goodbye》中,将这个主题做了十分优美的演绎,其中《Playing Love》与《Silent Goodbye》的风格与《新天堂乐园》的 Love Theme 表现手法十分接近,《Playing Love》带了一股清新悠然的甜美,而《Silent Goodbye》的弦乐则铺陈出怀念感伤的感触,至于23轨的《Playing Love》是一首细腻抒情的钢琴独奏,充满了深刻动人的款款柔情。另外比较特殊且十分抢眼的主题变化是《The Legend Of The Pianist On The Ocean》,Ennio Morricone 埃尼奥·莫里康内 将主题由遥远的怀念,变化出开阔飞扬,闪亮兴奋的神采,虽然音乐本身和《铁达尼号》全然不同,不过倒有几分让人联想起《铁达尼号》启航时的高昂情绪,交响编曲的处理展现了一如《铁面无私》的奔放与力量,不过感觉上,《The Legend Of 1900 海上钢琴师》有更优美的主题旋律,更丰沛的情感,与更富传奇色彩的悠远美感,这首作品又与最后一首配乐作品《Ships And Snow》,形成一种前后呼应的整体色调,《The Legend Of The Pianist On The Ocean》以灿烂兴奋的神采揭开了一个传奇故事的序幕,而《Ships And Snow》则以深邃收敛的情绪为传奇故事划下休止符,不过其实那并不真正是一种”结束”的感觉,更像另一个开始,毕竟所有的传说最美的地方,正是在于它们并没有确切的结局。整部配乐借着脱俗深刻的《Trailer》,描绘出主角1900不凡的人生际遇与深刻的感情世界,因此,在原声带的结尾,Ennio Morricone 埃尼奥·莫里康内 与 Roger Waters、Edward Van Halen 等大师,更进一步将《Trailer》改写成真挚深邃,诗意动人的主题曲《Lost Boys Calling》,连手打造出今年电影主题曲的代表作。 就像所有中文译名与”钢琴师”有关的电影一样,钢琴演奏自然是电影配乐的一大重心,何况这部电影最初正名为“海上钢琴师的传奇”,所描写的钢琴家1900是一个飘迫于大洋间的传奇爵士乐手,自然,在原声带中是少不了精彩的钢琴演奏,而且是爵士乐的钢琴演出了。自《四海兄弟》以来,Ennio Morricone 埃尼奥·莫里康内 写起二十世纪初的爵士音乐作品,向来就有鲜明出色的个人风格,《1900's Madness N.1》与《1900's Madness N.2》都是轻快俏皮,演奏精彩又富有娱乐性的作品,而《Danny's Blues》是一首慵懒闲散,情调迷人的蓝调作品,是我个人最喜爱的作品之一,《A Goodbye To Friends》则有如感伤的呢喃,带了一股落漠的愁绪。除了莫里克奈本人的创作外,也特别邀请 Amedeo Tommasi、Gilda Butta 等钢琴演奏家,演出 Jelly Roll Morton 及Scott Joplin 等当代名家的爵士音乐作品(《The Crave》与《Peacherine Rag》),营造出浓浓的时代氛围,当然,古今作品对照下,Ennio Morricone 埃尼奥·莫里康内 捕捉早期爵士音乐神韵的技巧之传神,当然也不言而喻了。 而非爵士风格的钢琴作品亦有精湛的发挥,除了上述将主题旋律以钢琴独奏演出的《Playing Love》外,《Study For Three Hands》是一段流畅繁复的联弹,《A Morzart Reincranated》是一段宛若夜曲般的恬静作品,气质十分优雅,这两段作品虽然风格大相径庭,却都有几分古典音乐的格调。而《The Crisis》则是一个比较沉静忧郁的主题,《Nocturne With No Moon》也渲染着一种幽静沉漠的情绪,而且旋律十分优美,与爵士音乐的活泼悠游形成一股内敛的对比性。最后,《Child》是我一定要特别一提的作品,是一个独立的主题,也是整部配乐最甜蜜纯真的作品,充满了天真可爱的赤子之心。 Ennio Morricone 埃尼奥·莫里康内 的大师级地位早已无庸置疑,《The Legend Of 1900 海上钢琴师》再一次印证其宝刀不老的实力,音乐风格轻易贴切的悠游于各种领域间,让古典的音乐技巧变得平易近人,直探人心,也让通俗的音乐类型有脱俗的表现,而且完美的将各种音乐素材重新结合再造,又一次为乐迷与观众带来新的音乐创意与音乐感受,不愧是一代大师手笔。 1.1900's Theme 2.The Legend of the Pianist 3.The crisis 4.The Crave 5.A Goodbye to Friends 6.Study For Three Hands 7.Playing Love 8.A Mozart Reincarnated 9.Child 10.1900's Madness 11.Danny's Blues 12.Second Crisis 13.Peacherine Rag 14.Noctume with No Moon 15.Before the End 16.Playing Love 17.I Can and Then 18.1900's Madness#2 19.Silent Goodbye 20.Ships and Snow 21. Tarantella in 3rd Class 22. Enduring Movement 23. Police 24. Trailer 25. Thanks Danny 26. Magic Waltz 27. The Goodbye between 1900 and Max 28. Goodbye Duet 29. Portraits 30. Lost Boys Calling 01. Playing Love - 4:30 [MP3] 02. The Legend Of The Pianist On The Ocean - 8:08 [MP3] 03. The Crisis - 2:50 [MP3] 04. Peacherine Rag - 2:41 [MP3] 05. A Goodbye To Friends - 2:37 [MP3] 06. Study For Three Hands - 1:03 [MP3] 07. Tarantella In 3rd Class - 1:32 [MP3] 08. Enduring Movement - 1:30 [MP3] 09. Police - 0:52 [MP3] 10. Trailer - 1:42 [MP3] 11. Thanks Danny - 3:28 [MP3] 12. A Mozart Reincarnated - 2:02 [MP3] 13. Child - 2:48 [MP3] 14. Magic Waltz - 2:34 [MP3] 15. The Goodbye Between Nineteen Hundred And Max - 3:47 [MP3] 16. Goodbye Duet - 2:36 [MP3] 17. Nineteen Hundred's Madness N.1 - 2:18 [MP3] 18. Danny's Blues - 2:13 [MP3] 19. Second Crisis - 2:07 [MP3] 20. The Crave - 1:50 [MP3] 21. Nocturne With No Moon - 2:45 [MP3] 22. Before The End - 1:14 [MP3] 23. Playing Love - 3:06 [MP3] 24. Ships And Snow - 2:32 [MP3] 25. Nineteen Hundred's Madness N.2 - 1:51 [MP3] 26. I Can And Then - 2:21 [MP3] 27. Silent Goodbye - 1:40 [MP3] 28. Portraits - 4:01 [MP3] 29. Lost Boys Calling - 5:19 [MP3]


1.Playing Love

2.The Legend Of The Pianist On The Ocean

3.The Crisis

4.Peacherine Rag

5.A Goodbye To Friends

6.Study For Three Hands

7.Tarantella In 3rd Class

8.Enduring Movement



11.Thanks Danny

12.A Mozart Reincarnated


14.Magic Waltz

15.The Goodbye Between Nineteen Hundred And Max

16.Goodbye Duet

17.Nineteen Hundred's Madness No. 1

18.Danny’s Blues

19.Second Crisis

20.The Crave

21.Nocturne With No Moon

22.Before The End

23.Playing Love

24.Ships And Snow

25.Nineteen Hundred's Madness No. 2

26.I Can And Then

27.Silent Goodbye

28.5 Portraits

29.Lost Boys Calling

发行版音轨曲目 Re-release track listing

1.1900's Theme

2.The Legend Of The Pianis

3.The Crisis

4.The Crave

5.A Goodbye To Friends

 6.Study For Three Hands

7.Playing Love 8.A Mozart Reincarnated 9.Child 10.1900's Madness 11.Danny's Blues 12.Second Crisis 13.Peacherine Rag 14.Nocturne With No Moon 15.Before The End 16.Playing Love 17.I Can And Then 18.1900's Madness 19.Silent Goodbye 20.Ships And Snow 21:Lost Boys Calling 片尾曲Lost Boys Calling? Roger Waters - Lost Boys Calling Music by Ennio Morricone Lyrics by Roger Waters Vocals by Roger Waters Guitar slols by Edward Van Halen Come hold me now I am not gone I would not leave you here alone In this dead calm beneath the waves

I can still hear those lost boys calling You could not speak You were afraid To take the risk of being left again And so you tipped your hat and waved and then You turned back up the gangway of that steel tomb again And in Mott street in July When I hear those seabirds cry I hold the child The child in the man The clild that we leave behind (Guitar slols by Edward Van Halen)

And in Mott street in July When I hear those seabirds cry I hold the child The child in the man The clild that we leave behind The spotlight fades The boys disband The final notes lie mute upon the sand And in the silence of the grave I can still hear those lost boys calling We left them there When they were young The men were gone until the west was won And now there's nothing left but time to kill You never took us fishing danny and now you never will And in Mott street in July When I hear the seabirds cry I hold the child The child in the man The child that we leave behind


电影《海上钢琴师》的钢琴主题曲为《1900's Theme》,片尾主题曲为《Lost Boys Calling》。

①《1900's Theme》

演奏:Ennio Morricone

作曲: Ennio Morricone

编曲: Ennio Morricone

所属专辑:《The Legend of 1900 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)》



②《Lost Boys Calling》

演唱:Roger Waters

作词:Roger Waters

作曲:Ennio Morricone

编曲:Ennio Morricone

所属专辑:《The Legend of 1900 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)》



Come hold me now

I am not gone

I would not leave you here alone

In this dead calm beneath the waves

I can still hear those lost boys calling

You could not speak

You were afraid

To take the risk of being left again

And so you tipped your hat and waved and then

You turned back up the gangway of that steel tomb again

And in Mott street in July

When I hear those seabirds cry

I hold the child

The child in the man

The child that we leave behind

And in Mott street in July

When I hear those seabirds cry

I hold the child

The child in the man

The child that we leave behind

The spotlight fades

The boys disband

The final notes lie mute upon the sand

And in the silence of the grave

I can still hear those lost boys calling

We left them there

When they were young

The men were gone until the west was won

And now there's nothing left but time to kill

You never took us fishing, dad, and now you never will

And in Mott street in July

When I hear those seabirds cry

I hold the child

The child in the man

The child that we leave behind

