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admin 钢琴简谱 2023-03-06 19:04:13 0

1、海上钢琴师的英文名是“The Legend of 1900”海上钢琴师是“时空三部曲”中最晦涩的一部,这是导演朱塞佩·托纳多雷的三部曲之一,在国际上久负盛名,也在豆瓣上拿到了93的高分正值病毒肆意,希望这部讲述。

2、1900,quite a strange and special man The first time I watched the movie, the pianist, I did not understand what he said I thought he would have got off the ship But the fact is that he would。

3、海上钢琴师英文台词 1And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play无限大的键盘,怎奏得出音乐?2In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an。

4、Leggendadelpianistasull#39oceano,La 是意大利语的翻译,也是最正统的翻译吧,这部电影是意大利拍的 The legend of 1900是英文翻译。



6、It is a story about spiritual freedom and pure soulA man called 1900 was born on the ship,then he grew on the ship and died on the shipThe ship called Virginian bears his whole lifeIn 1900s time。

7、1900, an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship, Virginia 1900 was the year which the crew discovered the baby, thus, the boy was named 1900 The crew dies several years。

8、海上钢琴师的经典英语台词 在当下社会,很多情况下我们需要用到台词,台词的写作与安排是剧作技巧的重要组成部分那些脍炙人口的台词都有哪些特点呢?下面是我收集整理的海上钢琴师的经典英语台词,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读 海上钢琴师的经典。

9、1All that city you just couldn#39t see an end to it城市那么大,看不到尽头2The end? Please? Can you please just show me where it ends?尽头在哪里可以给我看看尽头么3It was all very final。

10、The story is told in medias res as a series of flashbacks Max Tooney, a musician, enters a secondhand music shop just before closing time, broke and badly in need of money He has only a Conn trumpet。


11、THE LENGEND OF 1900 Director Giuseppe Tornatore has had no luck with United States distributors His original cut of Cinema Paradiso, one of the best films of the 1980s, was ruthlessly hacked to pieces by。

12、海上钢琴师经典台词 All that city You just couldn#39t see the end to it The end? Please? You please just show me where it ends? It was all very fine on that gangway And I was grand too, in my。

13、给你两篇,你看可以么 该片的英文译名是THE LEGEND OF 1900 The Legend of 1900 is an interesting fable from legendary Italian filmmaker Guiseppe Tornatore, maker of Cinema Paradiso and The Star Maker Based on。

14、扮演了无数罪犯和边缘人之后,Tim在1998年的意大利电影海上钢琴师中出神入化地塑造了一个不谙世事的钢琴天才,这个角色使他赢得了许多观众的喜爱1999年Tim晋身导演之林,The War Zone被著名影评人罗杰·伊伯特评为1999年度quot。

15、All that city You just couldn’t see the end to it The end? Please? You please just show me where it ends? It was all very fine on that gangway And I was grand too, in my overcoat I cut。

16、1st January 1900, ship crew Danni picked up a abondonded baby on the piano inside the hall of the ship, and he named this baby 1900 1900 grew up happily under the care and white lies of Danni。

17、蒂姆·罗斯的作品还包括人人都说我爱你Everyone Says I Love You浪子回头妙事多Gridlock#39d海上钢琴师Leggenda del pianista sull#39oceano, La战争地带The War Zone人猿星球。

18、1900 on the first day, and from Europe and the United States both of the cruise Virginian, adding to cruise coal workers in the first Danny Boodman, to pick up residue from the rich things, but the。

